

What's New?

Question: What's New?

Answer: What's New?

After thousands of angry emails and hundreds of threatening phone calls, I've finally added a What's New? link to the Browse section of the site. Clicking this link will return the 5 most recent poems added to the site. No more browsing for hours to find new poems. Now, they're just one click away. So, please stop picketing my house and following my kids home from school. You've got your What's New link. Forget the fact that it took me a year to add it. Just be happy it's finally here.

Unfinished Poetry Finished!

THE NEW BOOK IS DONE! Actually it has been done for a while, but I vowed I wouldn't make any changes to the website (including news) until after I had submitted at least one grad-school application. I officially applied to BYU's EMBA program last week so...


I published the book through www.createspace.com. They do on-demand publishing for cds, dvds, books, etc. You upload your files (manuscript and cover art), sign off on a proof and voila your work is available to the public. CreateSpace handles the copyright, ISBN, printing, shipping, billing, collecting; everything. It's pretty cool.

You can buy Unfinished Poetry at amazon.com or right here in our very own seanholliday.com shop. We recommend the shop, but certainly don't begrudge those who have an affinity (or a coupon) for amazon.

Happy Reading!

SeanHolliday.com Site Launched!

Since you're here, the launch of the site isn't really news to you, but I thought I'd share a little bit about it's development.

This site is a project that I've wanted to do for a long time. I owned everydaypoems.com (a reference to the subtitle of my first book) for a couple of years, but never did anything with it. In the five years since the registration expired, the domain was purchased by someone else. Hence, seanholliday.com. (It's probably easier to remember anyway---for those who care.)

The poetry is, of course, all original, written over a period of twenty years. The oldest poems on the site were written when I was eleven or twelve. Most of them were written from High School on. The design, including all of the photography, is also original.

I hope you enjoy perusing the site as much as I've enjoyed building it and I welcome your feedback at sean@seanholliday.com